- >> Run Maestro end to end tests with Expo
Learn how you can run your Maestro tests with expo for both Android and IOS.
- >> Core Web Vitals and Web Performance
What are Core Web Vitals and how to catch regressions and fix issues with each Vital.
- >> Microservices on the Frontend
Learn what Micro Frontends are, what are the benefits, drawbacks and when to use them.
- >> WHAT to test in React
You probably know how to test React components, but do you know what to test?
- >> Accessibility in React
In this post, I share some tips and tricks to make your React applications more accessible with some tools to help you along the way.
- >> Web Accesibility Fundamentals
Learn fundamental concepts about making web applications accessible to all users. We will cover screen readers, semantic HTML, and ARIA roles.